Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Countess Brownlow - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the painting Countess Brownlow - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and sophistication of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. This painting, painted in 1897, is a tribute to feminine elegance, capturing the grace and delicacy of its sitter....- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Daphnéphorie - Frederic Leighton
Tutustu meidän poikkeukselliseen taulun reproduktioon Daphnéphorie - Frederic Leighton, 1800-luvun ikoniseen teokseen, joka kuvastaa naisellisen kauneuden ja armon myyttistä kreikkalaista linssiä. Tämä taulu esittää Daphnen tarinan, nymfin, jota Apollon jahtaa, teema, joka on kiehtonut taiteilijoita kautta aikojen. Sen merkitys taiteen maailmassa ei perustu ainoastaan...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Sankarin viimeinen kello - Frederic Leighton
Tutustu poikkeukselliseen jäljennökseemme Viimeinen sankarin kello - Frederic Leighton, ikoninen teos, joka ilmentää öljymaalauksen mestaruutta. Tämä maalaus, jonka on tehnyt brittiläinen taiteilija Frederic Leighton, on todellinen kunnianosoitus kauneudelle ja inhimilliselle tunteelle. Tämä teoksen vangitseva sommittelu ja huolelliset yksityiskohdat tekevät siitä mestariteoksen, jota voit arvostaa...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
The Hero's Last Watch - Frederic Leighton
Discover The Hero's Last Watch - Frederic Leighton , an oil painting reproduction that captures the essence of an artistic era. This iconic work, by the famous Victorian painter Frederic Leighton, evokes themes of bravery and sacrifice, highlighting the beauty of heroic figures. Its...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
The Ancient Juggling Girl - Frederic Leighton
Discover our magnificent reproduction of The Young Juggling Girl Antique - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that combines technical mastery and refined aesthetics. This painting, created in the late 19th century, illustrates not only the beauty of movement, but also the importance of...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
The Light of the Harem - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the famous work The Light of the Harem - Frederic Leighton , an iconic 19th century painting that embodies the beauty and exoticism of the Orient. This painting, created by the British artist Frederic Leighton, is not only a visual...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Maalarin häämatka - Frederic Leighton
Hanki itsellesi museokelpoinen reproduktio Maalarin häämatka - Frederic Leighton teoksesta, joka on ikoninen teos, joka ilmentää taiteilijan intohimoa ja hienostunutta tekniikkaa. Tämä öljymaalaus kankaalle, jonka Leighton alun perin teki, on todistus romantiikasta ja viktoriaanisesta estetiikasta. Sen rikas historia ja merkitys taidemaailmassa tekevät siitä välttämättömän...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Cimabuen prosessiossa kantama Madonnan - Frederic Leighton
Tutustu meidän taulun reproduktioon kuuluisasta teoksesta Cimabuen - Frederic Leighton prosessiossa kannettu Madonnan kuva. Tämä ikoninen taulu, joka esittää intensiivisen omistautumisen hetkeä, ilmentää keskiaikaisen uskonnollisen taiteen rikkautta. Sen kestävä vaikutus taidemaailmaan tekee tästä teoksesta välttämättömän kokoelmiin ja taiteen harrastajille. Museotason Replika Alpha Reproductionilla olemme...- From $550.00
$1,100.00- From $550.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
The Reconciliation of the Montagues and Capulets over the Corpses of Romeo and Juliet - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the famous painting The Reconciliation of the Montagues and Capulets over the Corpses of Romeo and Juliet - Frederic Leighton . This masterpiece, emblematic of Romanticism, evokes the tragedy of love and the conflict between two families. Its significance in...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
The Reconciliation of the Montagues and the Capulets - Frederic Leighton
Discover our magnificent reproduction of the painting entitled The Reconciliation of the Montagues and Capulets - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that illustrates the passion and tragedy of love, inspired by the work of Shakespeare. This masterpiece is a testament to late 19th-century...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Yksinäisyys - Frederic Leighton
Tutustu poikkeukselliseen kopioon maalauksesta Yksinäisyys - Frederic Leighton, ikoninen teos, joka herättää melankoliaa ihmisen muodon kauneuden kautta. Tämä maalaus, jonka on luonut viktoriaaninen mestari Frederic Leighton, on 1800-luvun esteettisen taiteen symboli, joka vangitsee yksinäisyyden ja mietiskelyn olemuksen. Vertaansa vailla oleva osaaminen Alpha Reproductionilla sitoudumme...- From $550.00
$1,100.00- From $550.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Tears - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the painting Tears - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the emotion and beauty of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. This masterpiece, painted in 1894, illustrates a weeping woman, a symbol of melancholy and tragic beauty, capturing the essence of...- From $500.00
$1,000.00- From $500.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Psychein kylpy - Frederic Leighton
Tutustu Psyche's Bath - Frederic Leighton, ikoniseen teokseen, joka ilmentää viktoriaanisen aikakauden kauneutta ja eleganssia. Tämä taulu, joka on täynnä historiaa ja symboliikkaa, kuvaa hetkeä, jolloin Psyche, sielun jumalatar, valmistautuu tapaamaan rakkautensa. Tämä mestariteos todistaa Leightonin poikkeuksellisesta taidosta vangita inhimillisten tunteiden pehmeys ja syvyys....- From $500.00
$1,000.00- From $500.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
The Garden of the Hesperides - Frederic Leighton
Discover our beautiful reproduction of The Garden of the Hesperides - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and mythology of Victorian art. This painting, created by the famous painter Frederic Leighton, transports us to a dream world, blending nature and...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Jonathan's Token to David - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the painting "Jonathan's Token to David - Frederic Leighton", an iconic work that illustrates the deep friendship between these two biblical figures. This painting, created by the famous Victorian painter Frederic Leighton, not only depicts a poignant scene of loyalty...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
"Kalastaja ja merenneito - Frederic Leighton"
Tutustu upeaan reproduktioon taulusta Kalastaja ja merenneito - Frederic Leighton, ikoninen teos, joka ilmentää romanttisen taiteen kauneutta ja mystiikkaa. Tämä mestariteos, jonka on tehnyt Frederic Leighton, vangitsee runollisen hetken kalastajan ja merenneidon välillä, symboloiden ihmisen ja luonnon välistä harmoniaa, samalla herättäen syvää halua ja...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
The Psama - Frederic Leighton
Discover The Psama - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and finesse of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. This oil painting reproduction not only captures the image, but also conveys the emotion and depth of the original creation. The Psama, with its...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Perséfonen paluu - Frederic Leighton
Tutustu meidän taulun reproduktioon mestariteoksesta Perséphonin paluu - Frederic Leighton, ikoninen teos, joka vangitsee Perséphonin, vuodenaikojen jumalattaren, mytologisen matkan. Tämä taulu, jonka on luonut kuuluisa viktoriaaninen taiteilija Frederic Leighton, kuvaa syvää surua ja uudistumisen kauneutta, symboloiden elämän ja kuoleman ikuisia kiertoja sekä ajattomaa rakkautta....- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
The Return of Persephone - Frederic Leighton
Discover our beautiful reproduction of the painting entitled The Return of Persephone - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and depth of Greek mythology. This painting, created by the Victorian artist Frederic Leighton, illustrates the poignant moment when Persephone returns...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Married - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the famous painting Bride - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and sophistication of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. This painting, created by the British artist Frederic Leighton, depicts a bride in all her splendor, symbolizing love and...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Muistelmat - Frederic Leighton
Tutustu Mémoires - Frederic Leighton -teoksen jäljennökseen, joka vie syvälle viktoriaaniseen taiteeseen. Tämä maalaus, joka on kuuluisa runollisesta ja introspektiivisestä esityksestään, havainnollistaa Leightonin viehtymystä kauneuteen ja melankoliaan, jotka ovat toistuvia teemoja hänen tuotannossaan. Vertaansa vailla oleva museolaatu Alpha Reproductionilla sitoudumme tarjoamaan museotason replikoita tästä...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Mother and Child (Cherries) - Frederic Leighton
Discover the reproduction of the iconic work Mother and Child (Cherries) - Frederic Leighton , a painting that embodies the tenderness and beauty of family relationships. Painted by Frederic Leighton, this masterpiece is a celebration of motherhood and the sweetness of childhood, capturing an...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Midday in Summer - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of Midday - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that captures the very essence of summer through the prism of Victorian art. Painted in 1895, this painting depicts a serene and enchanting scene of a young woman resting in a lush...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Death of Brunelleschi - Frédéric Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the painting Death of Brunelleschi - Frédéric Leighton , an emblematic work that pays tribute to one of the greatest architects of the Renaissance. This painting, full of history and meaning, embodies the apogee of 19th-century pictorial art, celebrating the...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Mrs James Guthrie - Frederic Leighton
Discover our magnificent reproduction of the painting Mrs James Guthrie - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that evokes all the richness of Victorian art. Created in the late 19th century, this painting celebrates feminine beauty and grace, capturing the essence of the era...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Nausicaa - Frederic Leighton
Discover our Nausicaa - Frederic Leighton painting reproduction, an iconic work that captures the essence of beauty and mythology. Painted by the famous Victorian painter Frederic Leighton, this painting evokes the moment when Nausicaa meets Odysseus, symbolizing hospitality and feminine grace. This masterpiece is...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Odalisque - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of Odalisque - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work of the Pre-Raphaelite movement that captures the essence of Orientalism. This painting, created in the late 19th century, embodies the beauty and serenity of an odalisque, showcasing Leighton's mastery of light and...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Orpheus and Eurydice - Frederic Leighton
Discover the fascinating reproduction of the painting "Orpheus and Eurydice - Frederic Leighton", an iconic work that evokes the mythological tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice. This painting, created by the master Frederic Leighton, illustrates with grace and intensity the power of love and the...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Pavonia - Frederic Leighton
The reproduction of the painting "Pavonia - Frederic Leighton" is a true work of art that embodies the elegance and beauty of oil painting. This painting, created by the famous Victorian artist, is known for its harmonious use of color and light, as well...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Perséus ja Andromeda - Frederic Leighton
Tutustu poikkeukselliseen taulun jäljennökseemme, Perseus ja Andromeda - Frederic Leighton, ikoniseen teokseen, joka herättää rohkeuden ja intohimon teemoja. Alkuperäinen taulu, joka valmistui vuonna 1891, on tullut taidemaailmassa viittaukseksi sen dramaattisesta esityksestä kreikkalaisesta mytologiasta, jossa Perseus pelastaa Andromedan. Mestarityö Taiteessa Tarjoamamme taulun reproduktio vangitsee paitsi...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Perseus on Pegasus rushing to the rescue of Andromeda - Frederic Leighton
Discover our beautiful reproduction of a painting , entitled Perseus on Pegasus rushing to the rescue of Andromeda - Frederic Leighton . This iconic work, created by Frederic Leighton in the late 19th century, depicts the mythological hero Perseus in mid-flight, saving the beautiful...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Phoebe - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the famous oil painting Phoebe - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and elegance of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. This painting, created by Frederic Leighton, shows a woman of timeless grace, symbolizing the ideal of feminine beauty...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Portrait of May Sartoris - Frédéric Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the painting Portrait of May Sartoris - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and elegance of the 19th century. This painting, created by the famous painter Frederic Leighton, represents not only a fascinating portrait but also...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Jewish Quarter of Old Damascus - Frederic Leighton
Discover our beautiful reproduction of the painting entitled Jewish Quarter of Old Damascus - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that transports art lovers on a journey through time and space. This oil painting, created by the famous artist Frederic Leighton, captures the beauty...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Richard Burton - Frederic Leighton
Discover the reproduction of the iconic painting "Richard Burton" by Frederic Leighton, a masterpiece that embodies the beauty and depth of Victorian art. This painting, created by one of the most influential artists of his time, not only evokes a fascinating character of the...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Sibylle - Frederic Leighton
Discover the magnificent reproduction of the painting Sibyl - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the essence of Victorian art. This painting, created by the talented Frederic Leighton, represents a mysterious woman, a symbol of wisdom and premonition, and is an integral...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
St Jerome - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the iconic work St Jerome - Frederic Leighton , a masterpiece that evokes the depth of humanism and spirituality. This canvas, created by the famous Victorian painter Frederic Leighton, depicts Saint Jerome, a scholar and translator, immersed in his studies....- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Sisters - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the painting Sisters - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and elegance of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. Painted in 1890, this masterpiece illustrates the themes of femininity and harmony, captivating art lovers around the world. Its significance...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Teresina - Frédéric Leighton
Discover our beautiful oil painting reproduction titled Teresina - Frederic Leighton . This masterpiece, created by the famous Victorian painter Frederic Leighton, represents feminine elegance and grace, symbolizing the height of 19th-century academic art. The work is not only a captivating visual representation, but...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Weaving the Crown - Frederic Leighton
Discover our beautiful reproduction of Weaving the Crown - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the height of the Pre-Raphaelite style. This painting, created by Frederic Leighton, reflects the harmony between art and beauty, featuring a female figure adorned with flowers, a...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
A bather - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the painting A Bather - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that captures the beauty and serenity of a summer scene. This creative and evocative painting is a testament to Leighton's talent, recognized for his masterful use of color and...- From $500.00
$1,000.00- From $500.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
A Bather I - Frederic Leighton
Discover the iconic artwork A Bather I - Frederic Leighton , an oil painting reproduction that embodies elegance and timeless beauty. This painting, created by the famous British painter Frederic Leighton, is a testament to the artistic expertise of the 19th century. Its depiction...- From $500.00
$1,000.00- From $500.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
An Italian Lady - Frederic Leighton
Discover our beautiful reproduction of An Italian Lady - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the elegance and beauty of the 19th century. This oil painting, created by the famous Victorian artist Frederic Leighton, depicts a woman of unparalleled grace, and reflects...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
A Roman Lady - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the painting, A Roman Lady - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and elegance of the Roman woman. This painting, created by Frederic Leighton at the end of the 19th century, is distinguished by its neoclassical...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
A Woman of the Nile - Frederic Leighton
Discover our reproduction of the painting "A Woman of the Nile - Frederic Leighton", an iconic work that captures the beauty and elegance of a woman in an oriental atmosphere. Painted by the famous Victorian artist Frederic Leighton, this painting illustrates the influence of...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
A Girl - Frederic Leighton
Discover the reproduction of the painting A Girl - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies beauty and elegance. This painting, created by the Victorian artist Frederic Leighton, is a captivating representation of feminine grace and artistic refinement. Leighton, known for his unique...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
A Girl with a Basket of Fruit - Frederic Leighton
Discover our beautiful reproduction of the painting entitled Girl with a Basket of Fruit - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that embodies the beauty and elegance of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. Painted by Frederic Leighton, this painting depicts a young girl, in harmony with...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
Tyttö ruokkii riikinkukkoja - Frederic Leighton
Tutustu poikkeukselliseen taideteoksemme Tyttö, joka ruokkii riikinkukkoja - Frederic Leighton. Tämä ikoninen maalaus, jonka on tehnyt kuuluisa viktoriaaninen taiteilija Frederic Leighton, kuvastaa luonnon kauneutta ja harmoniaa. Kohtaus esittää nuorta tyttöä, jota ympäröivät majesteettiset riikinkukot, symboloiden armoa ja eleganssia. Tämä teos edustaa paitsi taiteellista mestariteosta,...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
A Girl Feeding Peacocks - Frederic Leighton
Discover the magnificent reproduction of the work A Girl Feeding Peacocks - Frederic Leighton , which captures the elegance and beauty of nature in an unrivaled artistic setting. This iconic painting, created by one of the masters of the Pre-Raphaelite movement, illustrates the harmony...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per
Myyjä:Alpha Reproduction
A Noble Lady of Venice - Frederic Leighton
Discover our beautiful reproduction of the painting entitled A Noble Lady of Venice - Frederic Leighton , an iconic work that captures the beauty and elegance of feminine dignity in the 19th century. This oil painting, famous for its refined depiction, evokes both the...- From $450.00
$900.00- From $450.00
- Yksikköhinta
- per